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An example

We will implement a simple stateful test for a counter. This counter holds a count number and can perform the following operations:

  • Increase the count by 1

  • Decrease the count by 1

  • Reset the count to 0

In stateful testing, we can find bugs related to combinations and execution order of these operations.

The code for the real system is as follows. For simplicity, let's assume that the count number is stored in JSON. This assumption helps to illustrate the concept, even though it might not be the most practical design in a real-world scenario.

final class CounterSystem { Map<String, int> data = {'count': 0}; int get count => data['count']!; set count(int value) { data['count'] = value; } void reset() { data['count'] = 0; } void increment() { data['count'] = data['count']! + 1; } void decrement() { data['count'] = data['count']! - 1; } }

To implement a stateful test for this counter, we need a model that serves as a reference implementation. The model is compared with the real system as a reference implementation. Therefore, the simpler the implementation, the better.

In this test, we do not focus on data retention and output, so it doesn't matter how the model stores the count number. In the previous real system, the count number is held in JSON, but in the model, we will simply hold it as an integer.

The code for the model is as follows:

final class CounterModel { int count = 0; void reset() { count = 0; } void increment() { count++; } void decrement() { count--; } }

Behavior and commands

From here, we will describe the test content. In kiri-check's stateful testing, we perform random operations on the model and the real system multiple times, and after execution, we compare the states to check if there are any problems with the implementation of the real system. We call this operation a command, and the specific commands are defined by the user. In this example, we prepare three commands: "Increase count", "Decrease count", and "Reset".

The test content, including the definition of commands, is defined in a subclass of Behavior. First, here is the code:

import 'package:kiri_check/kiri_check.dart'; import 'package:kiri_check/stateful_test.dart'; final class CounterBehavior extends Behavior<CounterModel, CounterSystem> { @override CounterModel initialState() { return CounterModel(); } @override CounterSystem createSystem(CounterModel s) { return CounterSystem(); } @override List<Command<CounterModel, CounterSystem>> generateCommands(CounterModel s) { return [ Action0( 'reset', nextState: (s) => s.reset(), run: (system) { system.reset(); return system.count; }, postcondition: (s, count) => count == 0, ), Action0( 'increment', nextState: (s) => s.increment(), run: (system) { system.increment(); return system.count; }, postcondition: (s, count) => s.count + 1 == count, ), Action0( 'decrement', nextState: (s) => s.decrement(), run: (system) { system.decrement(); return system.count; }, postcondition: (s, count) => s.count - 1 == count, ), ]; } @override void destroySystem(CounterSystem system) {} }

To perform stateful testing, in addition to importing kiri_check/kiri_check.dart, you need to import kiri_check/stateful_test.dart.

CounterBehavior, which extends Behavior, defines the test content for the counter. Behavior takes two type parameters: the model and the real system. In this implementation, we use the previously defined CounterModel and CounterSystem.

The methods that must be implemented in a subclass of Behavior are initialState, createSystem, destroySystem, and generateCommands.

initialState generates the model, and createSystem generates the real system using the model. In this case, each object is simply instantiated. These objects represent the initial state.

destroySystem describes the termination process for the real system. It is called at the end of the test.

generateCommands generates a list of commands that will be executed randomly. The order of commands in the list does not affect the test.

Action commands

There are several types of commands, but the most commonly used is Action. Action specifies functions to execute on the model and the real system. By specifying arbitraries, you can also use randomly generated values. In this example, we use Action0, which does not use any arbitraries. There are also Action2 to Action8 commands, which can use two to eight arbitraries, respectively.

Let's look at the content of the increment command:

Action0( 'increment', nextState: (s) => s.increment(), run: (system) { system.increment(); return system.count; }, postcondition: (s, count) => s.count + 1 == count, ),

The first argument of Action0 is the command name, which is used for logging. nextState specifies the function to transition the model (state) to the next state. run specifies the function to manipulate the real system. postcondition represents the postcondition, which, if true, considers the command execution successful. If false, it considers it a failure and starts shrinking.

These functions are called in the order of run, postcondition, nextState. It is important to note that nextState is called after postcondition, not after run. After calling run to make changes to the real system, the return value of run and the model are passed to postcondition. At this point, the state of the model corresponds to the real system before the change. The return value of run should ideally reflect the difference between the real system before and after the change. In postcondition, it checks whether the return value of run is valid for the state of the model after the change. It might be confusing that the argument for postcondition is the model instead of the system, but the focus of stateful testing is on the model.

The specific behavior is as follows:

  1. run is called. It increments the count in the real system and returns the count after the increment. If the count before the increment is 0, the count after the increment will be 1, and the return value will also be 1. At this point, the count held by the model remains 0.

  2. postcondition is called. The model before the increment and the return value of run, which is 1 (the current count of the real system), are passed as arguments. If the result of adding 1 to the count of the model is the same as the return value of run, the postcondition is successful. At this point, no destructive changes should be made to the model.

  3. nextState is called. It increments the count of the model and moves on to the execution of the next command.

Run the test

Call runBehavior within the property block. runBehavior takes the previously defined Behavior as an argument.

void main() { property('counter', () { runBehavior(CounterBehavior()); }); }

Where to next?

  • Read the execution model to understand the behavior of stateful testing.

  • Set KiriCheck.verbosity to Verbosity.verbose to observe the randomly executed commands.

  • Intentionally introduce errors to observe the behavior of shrinking.

Last modified: 13 September 2024