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Behavior and commands

Run stateful tests


void runBehavior<State, System>( Behavior<State, System> behavior, { int? seed, int? maxCycles, int? maxSteps, int? maxCommandTries, int? maxShrinkingTries, int? maxShrinkingCycles, Timeout? cycleTimeout, FutureOr<void> Function()? setUp, FutureOr<void> Function()? tearDown, FutureOr<void> Function(Behavior<State, System>, System)? onDestroy, FutureOr<void> Function(StatefulFalsifyingExample<State, System>)? onFalsify, bool? ignoreFalsify, })


abstract class Behavior<State, System>

Describes behavior of a stateful test.

abstract initializeState

@factory State initialState()

Creates a new state.

abstract initialPrecondition

bool initialPrecondition(State state)

Returns true if the given state satisfies the initial precondition.

abstract createSystem

@factory System createSystem(State state)

Creates a new system with the given state.

abstract destroySystem

void destroySystem(System system)

Destroy the given system.

abstract generateCommands

List<Command<State, System>> generateCommands(State state)

Generates a list of commands to run on the given state.

optional setUp

void setUp()

Called before the cycle is run. Default implementation does nothing.

optional setUpAll

void setUpAll()

Called once before all cycles are run. Default implementation does nothing.

optional tearDown

void tearDown()

Called after the cycle is run. Default implementation does nothing.

optional tearDownAll

void tearDownAll()

Called once after all cycles are run. Default implementation does nothing.

Generate values and perform actions


Action<State, System, T, R>( String description, Arbitrary<T>? arbitrary, { required void nextState(State, T), required R run(System, T), bool Function(State, T)? precondition, bool Function(State, T, R)? postcondition, })

A command that performs actions with generated values.

Depending on the number of arbitraries, there are Action0 through Action8. Action1 is type alias of Action.

Initialize and finalize


Initialize<State, System>(Command<State, System> cmd)

A command that initializes the state and system with another command.

The command enclosed with Initialize are always executed first and are not called in subsequent steps. If there are multiple Initialize commands, they are executed in the order they were defined.


Finalize<State, System>(Command<State, System> command)

A command that finalizes the state and system with another command.

The command enclosed with Finalize is always executed last and is not called in previous steps. The Finalize command is not executed in any step other than the last one.

Last modified: 13 September 2024